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User can still pick tiles in automatic and multi-set mode

Operating System: Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa
LÖVE version: 0.10.0
Affected versions: β6

User can still pick tiles in automatic and multi-set mode by using LEFT CONTROL+LEFT SHIFT+ANY ARROW KEY or MIDDLE CLICK, however Ved does not show the tile selected.

InfoTeddy, 14.05.2016, 03:11
Response from the site administrator
Dav999, 21.09.2019
Is this really a problem, though?

This has been fixed by yourself. (!30)
Idea status: completed


InfoTeddy, 27.05.2016, 23:52
its a bug tho xd
i mean you dont have to fix it like immediately
but you should
InfoTeddy, 23.05.2019, 01:15
To be clear, the problem is that Ved doesn't indicate at all that the picked tile has been updated. It's fine that you can still change it in automatic and multi-tileset mode, it's just the problem is is that it doesn't show you that you updated the selected tile, which could be unexpected.

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